释义 |
glorify/ˈɡlɔ:rifai/v. tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 exalt to heavenly glory; make glorious 赞美;颂扬 2 transform into something more splendid 美化,使美观 3 extol; praise 赞颂;赞赏 4 (as 作 glorified adj.) seeming or pretending to be more splendid than in reality 看似富丽堂皇的,假装富丽堂皇的 just a glorified office boy 不过是个看似体面的办事员而已 □ glorification /-fiˈkeiʃ(ə)n/ n.□ glorifier n.[Middle English via Old French glorifier, ecclesiastical Latin glorificare, and Late Latin glorificus from Latin gloria ‘glory’] |