释义 |
riffle/ˈrif(ə)l/ v. & n.●v. 1 tr.a turn (pages) in quick succession 连续快速地翻动(书页) b shuffle (playing cards) esp. by flexing and combining the two halves of a pack 洗(牌) (尤指将牌分成两叠再弹洗到一起) 2 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 through) leaf quickly (through pages) 快速翻阅 ●n. 1 the act or an instance of riffling 快速的翻动;洗牌 2 (in gold-washing) a groove or slat set in a trough or sluice to catch gold particles (淘金时)筛金溜槽中的格条;格条分样器 3 N. Amer. [北美]a a shallow part of a stream where the water flows brokenly (河流或溪流的)浅滩 b a patch of waves or ripples on water 微波,涟漪 [perhaps a variant of RUFFLE] |