释义 |
rich/ritʃ/adj. 1 having much wealth 富有的,富裕的 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 in, with) splendid, costly, elaborate 华贵的,精致华丽的 rich tapestries 华丽的挂毯; rich with lace 饰满华丽的花边 3 valuable 贵重的,很有价值的 rich offerings 贵重的献礼 4 copious, abundant, ample 丰富的,充裕的,充足的 a rich harvest 丰收; a rich supply of ideas 源源不断的想法 5 (often foll. by 常后跟 in, with) (of soil or a region etc.) abounding in natural resources or means of production; fertile (土地或地区等)盛产的;富饶的,肥沃的 rich in nutrients 富有营养; rich with vines 盛产葡萄 6 (of food or diet) containing much fat or spice etc. (饮食)油腻的;作料多(味重)的 7 (of the mixture in an internal-combustion engine) containing a high proportion of fuel (内燃机内混合燃料)可燃成分高的 8 (of colour or sound or smell) mellow and deep, strong and full (颜色)富丽的,浓艳的;(声音)深沉而圆润的,醇厚的;(气味)馥郁的 9a (of an incident or assertion etc.) highly amusing or ludicrous; outrageous (事情或声明等)极其有趣的,滑稽可笑的,荒唐的 b (of humour) earthy (幽默)粗俗的 □ richen v. intr. & tr.□ richness n.[Old English rīce via Germanic from Celtic, related to Latin rex ‘king’: reinforced in Middle English from Old French riche ‘rich, powerful’, of Germanic origin] |