

单词 apply
释义 apply/əˈplai/v. (-ies, -ied) 1 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 for, to, or to + infin.) make a formal request for something to be done, given, etc. 申请,请求 apply for a job 申请工作; apply for help to the governors 向地方长官请求帮助; applied to be sent overseas 申请派驻海外 2 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 to) have relevance 适用,适合 does not apply in this case 不适用本情况 3 tr.a make use of as relevant or suitable; employ 应用;使用 apply the rules 应用规则 b operate 启用,采用 apply the handbrake 采用手刹 4 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 to)a put or spread on 涂,抹,敷 applied the ointment to the cut 将药膏涂在伤口上 b administer 施行,施用 applied the remedy 施行修补; applied common sense to the problem 用常识解决此问题 5 refl. (often foll. by 常后跟 to) devote oneself 致力于;专注于 applied myself to the task 使我自己专注于该任务 applier n.[Middle English via Old French aplier from Latin applicare ‘fold, fasten to’]




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