释义 |
spring/spriŋ/ v. & n.●v. (past sprang /spræŋ/ or US [美] sprung /sprʌŋ/; past part. sprung) 1 intr. jump; move rapidly or suddenly 跳,跃 sprang from his seat 从他的座位上一跃而起; sprang through the gap 跃过裂口; sprang to their assistance 赶去援助他们 2 intr. move rapidly as from a constrained position or by the action of a spring 反弹 the branch sprang back 树枝弹了回去; the door sprang to 门弹向… 3 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 from) originate or arise 起源,产生 springs from an old family 来自于一个古老的家族; their actions spring from a false conviction 他们的行为源于错误的定罪 4 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 up) come into being; appear, esp. suddenly (尤指突然)出现,形成 a breeze sprang up 突然起了一阵微风; the belief has sprung up 这种信念已迅速形成 5 tr. cause to act suddenly, esp. by means of a spring (尤指借弹簧作用)弹起 spring a trap 触发陷阱 6 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on) produce or develop or make known suddenly or unexpectedly 突然产生,出奇不意地宣告 has sprung a new theory 突然产生了一个新的理论; loves to spring surprises 喜欢突然宣告惊奇之事 7 tr. slang contrive the escape or release of [俚语]图谋逃跑 8 tr. rouse (game) from earth or covert 惊起(猎物)使(猎物从土中或躲藏处)跳出 9a intr. become warped or split 翘曲;裂开 b tr. split, crack (wood or a wooden implement) 劈开(木头或木制工具) 10 tr. (usu. as 通常作 sprung adj.) provide (a motor vehicle etc.) with springs 给(机动车等)装弹簧 11a tr. colloq. spend (money) [口]花(钱) b intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) N. Amer. & Austral. slang pay for a treat [北美澳] [俚语]请客 12 tr. cause (a mine) to explode 使(矿)爆炸 ●n. 1 a jump 跳,跃 took a spring 跳一下; rose with a spring 一跃而起 2 a backward movement from a constrained position; a recoil, e.g. of a bow 反弹,弹回 3 elasticity; ability to spring back strongly 弹性,弹力 a mattress with plenty of spring 弹性好的床垫 4 a resilient device usu. of bent or coiled metal used esp. to drive clockwork or for cushioning in furniture or vehicles (尤指钟表、家具或车辆的衬垫上的)弹簧,发条 5a the season in which vegetation begins to appear, the first season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from March to May and in the southern hemisphere from September to November 春天,春季(北半球从三月到五月,南半球从九月到十一月) b Astron. the period from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice 【天】春分到夏至的时期 c (often foll. by 常后跟 of) the early stage of life etc. (人生等的)精力旺盛时期,青春年华 d = SPRING TIDE 6 a place where water, oil, etc., wells up from the earth; the basin or flow so formed (水、油等的)源泉 hot springs 温泉; mineral springs 矿泉 7 the motive for or origin of an action, custom, etc. (行动、习俗等的)动机,原动力 the springs of human action 人类行为的原动力 8 slang an escape or release from prison [俚语]逃跑,越狱;释放 9 the upward curve of a beam etc. from a horizontal line 起拱点,起拱线,起拱面 10 the splitting or yielding of a plank etc. under strain (木板等的)翘曲,裂处 □ spring a leak develop a leak (orig. Naut., from timbers springing out of position)出现裂缝 (源于【海】船开裂漏水) □ springless adj.□ springlet n.□ springlike adj.[Old English springan, from Germanic]■ Usage 用法说明 The use of sprung instead of sprang for the past tense, as in I sprung out of bed, is non-standard in British English, but acceptable along with sprang in American English. 在英国英语中过去式形式要用 sprung 而不用 sprang ,如 I sprung out of bed (我从床上一跃而起)属非标准用法;但在美国英语中, sprung 与 sprang 均可作为过去式。 |