释义 |
remove/riˈmu:v/ v. & n.●v. 1 tr. take off or away from the place or position occupied; detach 移开,拿开,挪开 remove the top carefully 小心打开盖子 2 tr.a move or take to another place; change the situation of 改换…的位置,拿走,移动 will you remove the tea things? 你把茶具撤走好吗? b get rid of; eliminate 除去,消除,排除 will remove all doubts 将消除所有疑虑 3 tr. cause to be no longer present or available; take away 取消,撤销,删除,取走 all privileges were removed 所有特权都被撤销了 4 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 from) dismiss (from office) 免去(职位),开除 5 tr. colloq. kill, assassinate [口]杀害,刺杀 6 tr. (in passive 用被动; foll. by 后跟 from) distant or remote in condition 被远离,被分离 the country is not far removed from anarchy 这个国家并未远离无政府状态 7 tr. (as 作 removed adj.) (esp. of cousins) separated by a specified number of steps of descent (尤指堂表亲)隔代的,隔辈的 a first cousin twice removed = a grandchild of a first cousin 与第一个堂表亲相隔两代的堂表亲,即第一个堂表亲的孙子或孙女 8 formal [正式]a intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 from, to) change one's home or place of residence 搬家,迁居 b tr. conduct the removal of 将…移开;消除;免职 ●n. 1 a degree of remoteness; a distance 远离程度,距离 2 a stage in a gradation; a degree 阶段,等级,程度 is several removes from what I expected 离我期望的还差几级 3 a form or division in some British schools (英国一些学校的)年级 □ removable adj.□ removability /-ˈbiliti/ n.□ remover n. (esp. in sense 8b of v. 尤用于动词释义 8b)[Middle English via Old French removeir from Latin removēre remot- (as RE-, movēre ‘move’)] |