

单词 full
释义 full1/fʊl/ adj., adv., n. & v.adj. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 of) holding all its limits will allow 满的,充满的;装(或盛)满的 the bucket is full 桶是满的; full of water 盛满了水 2 having eaten to one's limits or satisfaction 饱的,吃饱的;吃得满意的 3 abundant, copious, satisfying, sufficient 丰富的;详尽的;令人满意的;足够的 a full programme of events 排得满满的活动计划; led a full life 度过了阅历丰富的一生; turned it to full account 充分利用; give full details 提供详尽的细节; the book is very full on this point 那本书对这一点讲得很详细 4 (foll. by 后跟 of) having or holding an abundance of, showing marked signs of 有大量…的;充满…的 full of vitality 朝气蓬勃; full of interest 兴致盎然; full of mistakes 错误百出 5 (foll. by 后跟 of)a engrossed in thinking about 一心想着…的;全神贯注于…的 full of himself 光顾他自己; full of his work 全神贯注于他的工作 b unable to refrain from talking about 老是谈论…的 full of the news 老是谈论那新闻 6a complete, perfect, reaching the specified or usual or utmost limit 完全的,完整的;完美的;达到指定(或通常、最大)限度的 full membership 正式的成员资格; full daylight 大白天; waited a full hour 等了足足 1 个小时; it was full summer 时值盛夏; in full bloom 盛开 b Bookbinding used for the entire cover 【装订】用于全书面的 full leather 全皮面的 7a (of tone or colour) deep and clear, mellow (声音)深沉清亮的;圆润的;(颜色)浓的;柔和的 b (of light) intense ()强烈的 c (of motion etc.) vigorous (运动等)强有力的 a full pulse 强有力的脉搏; at full gallop 以最快速度,飞快地 8 plump, rounded, protuberant 丰满的;圆鼓鼓的;隆起的,突出的 a full figure 丰满的体形 9 (of clothes) made of much material arranged in folds or gathers (衣服)宽松的;多褶的 10 (of the heart etc.) overcharged with emotion (内心等)充满感情的 11 Brit. slang drunk [] [俚语]喝醉了的 12 (foll. by 后跟 of) archaic having had plenty of [古义]拥有过许多的 full of years and honours 年高望重 adv. 1 very 非常,很 you know full well 你了解得非常清楚 2 quite, fully 完全地;充分地;整整,足足 full six miles 整整 6 英里; full ripe 完全成熟 3 exactly 恰恰,正好 hit him full on the nose 正打在他的鼻子上 4 more than sufficiently 过分地 full early 过早 n. 1 height, acme 顶点;顶峰时期,全盛期 season is past the full 季节高峰期已经过去 2 the state or time of full moon (月的)满月() 3 the whole 全部,整个 cannot tell you the full of it 不能把全部情况告诉你 v. intr. & tr. be or become or make (esp. clothes) full 满;变满(或圆);把(尤指衣服)缝得宽松(或缝出皱褶) at full length 1 lying stretched out 全身伸展地 2 without abridgement 无删节地,详尽地 come full circle see CIRCLE full and by Naut. close-hauled but with sails filling 【海】满帆顺风地 full speed (or steam) ahead! an order to proceed at maximum speed or to pursue a course of action energetically (用作命令)全速前进!加油 ! full up completely full 完全满的() in full 1 without abridgement 无删节地,无省略地 2 to or for the full amount 全数地,全部地 paid in full 全数付清 in full swing at the height of activity 正达到极点;正起劲;正在全力进行中 in full view entirely visible 全都看得见的 on a full stomach see STOMACH to the full to the utmost extent 最大限度地,充分地,完全地 [Old English from Germanic]




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