

单词 front
释义 front/frʌnt/ n., adj. & v.n. 1 the side or part normally nearer or towards the spectator or the direction of motion (近于或面朝观者的或运动方向的)前面,前部;正面 the front of the car 汽车的前部; the front of the chair 椅子的正面; the front of the mouth 口腔前部 2 any face of a building, esp. that of the main entrance 建筑物的任一面,(尤指)主要入口处的一面;正面 3 Mil. 【军】a the foremost line or part of an army etc. (部队等的)前列;先头部队 b line of battle 战线 c the part of the ground towards a real or imaginary enemy 前线,前方,前沿 d a scene of actual fighting 战场 go to the front 上战场打仗 e the direction in which a formed line faces 横队面对的方向 change front 掉转方向 4a a sector of activity regarded as resembling a military front (类似军事战线或战场的)活动领域;战线,前线;战场 b an organized political group 有组织的政治团体 5a demeanour, bearing 行为,举止;风度 show a bold front 表现出大胆的样子 b outward appearance 外表 6 a forward or conspicuous position 靠前的位置;显眼的位置 come to the front 变得引人注目;出人头地 7a a bluff 虚张声势,吓唬 b a pretext 托词,借口 8 a person etc. serving to cover subversive or illegal activities 为颠覆(或非法)活动作掩护的人等 9 (prec. by 前接 the) esp. Brit. the promenade of a seaside resort [尤英]海滨胜地的人行道 10 Meteorol. the forward edge of an advancing mass of cold or warm air 【气】(冷或热气团的) 11 (prec. by 前接 the) Brit. the auditorium of a theatre []剧院的观众席 12a a face 脸,面部;面容 b poet. or literary a forehead [] [文学用语]前额 13a the breast of a person's clothes 衣服的胸前部分 b a false shirt-front 衬衫的假前胸,硬衬胸 14 impudence 厚颜无耻;放肆,无礼 attrib. adj. 1 of the front 前面的,前部的;正面的;最前面的 2 situated in front 位置在前的 3 Phonet. formed at the front of the mouth 【语音】舌前的 v. 1 intr. (foll. by 后跟 on, to, towards, upon) have the front facing or directed 朝向,面对,直对 2 intr. (foll. by 后跟 for) colloq. act as a front or cover for []为…做掩护 3 tr. furnish with a front 用…作正面;装饰…的正面 fronted with stone 正面以石头砌成 4 tr. lead (a band, organization, etc.) 领导(乐队、组织等) 5 tr.a stand opposite to, front towards 面向,朝向 b have its front on the side of (a street etc.) 使正面朝向(街道等) 6 tr. archaic confront, meet, oppose [古义]与…对抗,反对,反抗 7 tr. Broadcasting act as presenter or host of (a programme) 【广播】主持(节目) in front 1 in an advanced position 在前面 2 facing the spectator 在面前,面向(观者) in front of 1 ahead of, in advance of 在…前面 2 in the presence of, confronting 在…面前,当着…的面 on the front burner see BURNER frontless adj. frontward adj. & adv. frontwards adv.[Middle English via Old French front (n.), fronter (v.) from Latin frons frontis]




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