

单词 French
释义 French/fren(t)ʃ/ adj. & n.adj. 1 of or relating to France or its people or language 法国的;法国人的;法语的 2 having the characteristics attributed to the French people 法国人特有的;法国式的 n. 1 the language of France, also used in Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, and elsewhere 法语(亦用于比利时、瑞士、加拿大及其他地区) 2 (prec. by 前接 the; treated as pl. 看作复数) the people of France 法国人 3 colloq. bad language []骂人的话,诅咒 excuse my French 原谅我说的骂人的话 4 colloq. dry vermouth [] (不带甜味的)法国苦艾酒,法国味美思酒 gin and French 杜松子酒和法国苦艾酒混合饮料 Frenchness n.[Old English frencisc, from Germanic]




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