

单词 rave
释义 rave1/reiv/ v. & n.v. 1 intr. talk wildly or furiously in or as in delirium 胡言乱语;狂乱地说话,激烈地说话 2 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 about, of, over) speak with rapturous admiration; go into raptures 狂热赞扬;变得狂热;狂热地谈论 3 tr. bring into a specified state by raving 叫嚷得… raved himself hoarse 嗓子都嚷哑了 4 tr. utter with ravings 语无伦次地说,狂乱地说 raved their grief 语无伦次地倾诉他们心中的悲痛 5 intr. (of the sea, wind, etc.) howl, roar (海、风等)呼啸,咆哮 6 tr. & intr. colloq. enjoy oneself freely (esp. 尤用于 rave it up 恣意欢乐) []纵情,恣意 n. 1 (usu. 通常作 attrib.) colloq. a highly enthusiastic review of a film, play, etc. [] (对电影、戏剧等的)热烈的褒奖;赞扬;吹捧 a rave review 热烈的好评 2 Brit. slang an infatuation [] [俚语]醉心,痴情,迷恋 3 Brit. colloq. [英口]a (also 亦作 rave-up) a lively party 热闹的聚会 b a large often illicit party or event with dancing to loud fast pop music (舞蹈伴着音量大、节奏快的流行乐,常为非法的)大型聚会或事件 4 the sound of the wind etc. raving (风等的)呼啸声 [Middle English, probably from Old Norman French raver, related to (Middle) Low German reven ‘be senseless, rave’]




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