

单词 rattle
释义 rattle/ˈræt(ə)l/ v. & n.v. 1a intr. give out a rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds, usu. through being shaken or knocking against something (通常指被摇动或敲击时)发出短暂、急速、连续而响亮的声音,格格作响 b tr. make (a chair, window, crockery, etc.) do this 使(椅子、窗户、陶器等)格格作响 c intr. cause such sounds by shaking something (摇动某物使之)格格作响 rattled at the door 把门摇得格格作响 2a intr. move with a rattling noise 格格作响地行进 b intr. drive a vehicle or ride or run briskly 开飞车;骑马疾驰;飞奔 c tr. cause to move quickly 使迅速进行 the bill was rattled through Parliament 议案被国会迅速通过 3a tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 off) say or recite rapidly 飞快说出或背出 b intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 on) talk in a lively thoughtless way 喋喋不休地讲话 4 tr. colloq. disconcert, alarm, fluster, make nervous, frighten []使惊慌失措,使恐慌,使不安,使紧张,惊吓 n. 1 a rattling sound 短暂、急速、连续而响亮的声音,格格声 2 an instrument or plaything made to rattle esp. in order to amuse babies or to give an alarm 连续发短促尖利声的器具;拨浪鼓(幼儿玩具) 3 the set of horny rings in a rattlesnake's tail (响尾蛇尾部的)角质环 4 a plant with seeds that rattle in their cases when ripe 果实成熟时其籽粒在荚中格格作响的植物 red rattle 欧洲马先蒿; yellow rattle 鼻花 5 uproar, bustle, noisy gaiety, racket 喧嚣,喧闹,欢闹,狂欢 6a a noisy flow of words 一阵叽叽喳喳的谈话 b empty chatter, trivial talk 喋喋不休的空话、闲聊 7 archaic a lively or thoughtless incessant talker [古义]喋喋不休的人 rattle the sabre threaten war 以武力(战争)相威胁 rattly adj.[Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch & Low German ratelen (imitative)]




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