释义 |
rat/ræt/ n. & v.●n. 1a any of several rodents of the genus Rattus (大)鼠,家鼠 brown rat 褐(家)鼠,大家鼠,沟鼠 b any similar rodent 似鼠的啮齿动物 muskrat 麝鼠; water rat 河鼠 2 a deserter from a party, cause, difficult situation, etc.; a turncoat (from the superstition that rats desert a sinking ship) 脱(叛)党者,叛变者,(危难时的)变节者,叛徒(源自老鼠会逃离沉船的迷信) 3 colloq. an unpleasant person [口]讨厌的人 4 a worker who refuses to join a strike, or who blacklegs 不参加罢工的工人;(破坏罢工的)工贼 5 (in pl. 用复数) slang an exclamation of contempt, annoyance, etc. [俚语] (表示轻蔑、恼怒等的感叹)胡扯,去你的 ●v. intr. (ratted, ratting) 1 (of a person or dog) hunt or kill rats (人或狗)捕鼠;灭鼠 2 colloq. desert a cause, party, etc. [口]背弃、脱离(事业、党等) 3 (foll. by 后跟 on) colloq. [口]a betray; let down 出卖,背叛;辜负 b inform on 告发,通知,报告 [Old English rœt, later reinforced by Old French rat] |