释义 |
flicker1/ˈflikə/ v. & n.●v. intr. 1 (of light) shine unsteadily or fitfully (光)闪烁 2 (of a flame) burn unsteadily, alternately flaring and dying down (火焰)摇曳,明灭不定 3a (of a flag, a reptile's tongue, an eyelid, etc.) move or wave to and fro; quiver; vibrate (旗子、爬行动物的舌头、眼睑等)往复摆动(或眨动);飘动;颤动,振动 b (of the wind) blow lightly and unsteadily (风)轻轻地吹,飘忽不定地吹 4 (of hope etc.) increase and decrease unsteadily and intermittently (希望等)忽隐忽现,闪现 ●n. 1 a flickering movement or light 闪动,闪烁;摇曳;闪光 2 a brief spell of hope, recognition, etc. 稍纵即逝的希望;短暂的认可 □ flicker out die away after a final flicker (闪烁一下后)熄灭 [Old English flicorian, flycerian] |