释义 |
flavour/ˈfleivə/ n. & v. (US [美] flavor)●n. 1 a distinctive mingled sensation of smell and taste 味,味道,滋味 has a cheesy flavour 有奶酪的味道 2 an indefinable characteristic quality 说不清的特点,特色 music with a romantic flavour 有浪漫情调的音乐 3 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of) a slight admixture of a usu. undesirable quality 略带有(通常是不好的)特征 the flavour of failure hangs over the enterprise 失败的气息飘浮在企业的上空 4 esp. US [尤美] = FLAVOURING ●v. tr. give flavour to; season 加味于,给…调味 □ flavour of the month (or week) a temporary trend or fashion 暂时的趋势(或风尚) □ flavourful adj.□ flavourless adj.□ flavoursome adj.[Middle English from Old French flaor, perhaps from Latin flatus ‘blowing’ and foetor ‘stench’: assimilated to savour] |