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Apocrypha/əˈpɒkrifə/n. pl. (also treated as sing. 亦看作单数) 1 biblical writings not forming part of the accepted canon. (《圣经》中的)次经,外传 2 (作 apocrypha) writings or reports not considered genuine 真实性可疑的著作或(报告),伪作 [Middle English via ecclesiastical Latin apocrypha (scripta) ‘hidden (writings)’ from Greek apokruphos, from apokruptō ‘hide away’]■ Usage 用法说明 The Old Testament Apocrypha include those writings appearing in the Septuagint and Vulgate versions but not in the Hebrew Bible; they are accepted by the Roman Catholic Church as the ‘deuterocanonical’ books. 《圣经·旧约》中的次经包括七十子希腊文本和通俗拉丁文本中的那些篇章,但不包括希伯来文圣经中的内容;它们被罗马天主教视为“正统”经书。 |