

单词 fix
释义 fix/fiks/ v. & n.v. 1 tr. make firm or stable; fasten, secure 使固定,使牢固;缚紧;钉牢;安装 fixed a picture to the wall 把图画钉牢在墙上 2 tr. decide, settle, specify (a price, date, etc.) 决定,确定,规定(价格、日期等) 3 tr. mend, repair 修补,修理 4 tr. implant (an idea or memory) in the mind 牢记 couldn't get the rules fixed in his head 无法让他牢记这些规则 5 tr.a (foll. by 后跟 on, upon) direct steadily, set (one's eyes, gaze, attention, or affection) 全神贯注于,把(目光、视线、注意力或感情)集中于 b attract and hold (a person's attention, eyes, etc.) 吸引(某人的注意力、目光等) c (foll. by 后跟 with) single out with one's eyes etc. (用眼等)选出,挑出 6 tr. place definitely or permanently, establish, station 安置,放置;设置;使定居 7 tr. determine the exact nature, position, etc., of; refer (a thing or person) to a definite place or time; identify, locate 确定(…的确切性质或位置等);认为(某物或某人起源于某地或某时);辨认;查明 8a tr. make (eyes, features, etc.) rigid 使(目光、容貌等)僵硬 b intr. (of eyes, features, etc.) become rigid (目光、容貌等)变得僵硬 9 tr. esp. N. Amer. colloq. prepare (food or drink) [尤北美口]准备(食物或饮料) fixed me a drink 给我准备了一杯饮料 10a tr. deprive of fluidity or volatility; congeal 使不流动(或不挥发);使凝固 b intr. lose fluidity or volatility, become congealed 不流动(或不挥发);凝固 11 tr. colloq. punish, kill, silence, deal with (a person) []惩罚(或杀死) (某人);使(某人)保持沉默;对付(某人) 12 tr. colloq. []a secure the support of (a person) fraudulently, esp. by bribery (用欺骗手段) (尤指用贿赂)取得(某人)的支持 b arrange the result of (a race, match, etc.) fraudulently 用欺骗手段操纵(比赛等)的结果 the competition was fixed 有人操纵了比赛结果 13 slang [俚语]a tr. inject (a person, esp. oneself) with a narcotic (某人,尤指自己)注射毒品 b intr. take an injection of a narcotic 注射毒品 14 tr.a make (a pigment, photographic image, etc.) fast or permanent 使(颜料、相片、影像等)经久不褪,使(颜色)固着;定影 b Biol. preserve or stabilize (a specimen) prior to treatment or microscopic examination 【生】(在进行处理或显微镜检查之前)保存(或固定) (标本) 15 tr. (of a plant or micro-organism) assimilate (nitrogen or carbon dioxide) by forming a non-gaseous compound (植物或微生物通过合成非气体化合物)吸收(氮或二氧化碳) 16 tr. castrate or spay (an animal) 阉割(雄性动物);切除(雌性动物的)卵巢 17 tr. arrest changes or development in (a language or literature) 阻碍(语言或文学的)变化(或发展) 18 tr. determine the incidence of (liability etc.) 决定(可能性等的)出现 19 intr. archaic take up one's position [古义]就职 n. 1 colloq. a position hard to escape from; a dilemma or predicament []难以逃避的处境;困境,窘境 2a the act of finding one's position by bearings or astronomical observations (借助于方向或天文观测)确定位置;定位 b a position found in this way (按上述方法确定的)位置 3 slang a dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted [俚语]毒品的一次注射量 4 slang bribery; an illicit arrangement [俚语]贿赂;非法操纵,搞鬼 be fixed (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) be disposed or affected (regarding) 处理;安排;供给 how is he fixed for money? 他的钱是怎么来的?; how are you fixed for Friday? 你星期五怎么过? fix on (or upon) choose, decide on 选定;决定 fix up 1 arrange, organize, prepare 安排;组织;准备 2 accommodate 给…安顿住处 3 (often foll. by 常后跟 with) provide (a person) (某人)提供 fixed me up with a job 给我提供了一个工作 fixable adj. fixedly /ˈfiksidli/ adv. fixedness /ˈfiksidnis/ n.[Middle English, ultimately from Latin fixus, past part. of figere ‘fix, fasten’, partly via Old French fix, partly via medieval Latin fixare]




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