释义 |
fire/ˈfaiə/ n. & v.●n. 1a the state or process of combustion, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and usu. give out bright light and heat 燃烧;火 b the active principle operative in this (燃烧状态的)燃料;引火物 c flame or incandescence 火焰;白炽光 2 a conflagration, a destructive burning 大火,火灾 forest fire 森林火灾 3a burning fuel in a grate, furnace, etc. 炉火 b Brit. [英] = ELECTRIC FIRE c = GAS FIRE 4 firing of guns (枪炮的)射击,开火;炮火,火力 5a fervour, spirit, vivacity 热情,热心;活泼,有生气 b poetic inspiration, lively imagination (诗的)灵感;生动的想像 c vehement emotion 强烈的感情 6 burning heat, fever 发烧,发热 7 luminosity, glow 发光,闪光;光辉 St Elmo's fire 暴风雨中桅顶、塔尖等上出现的电击发光,天电光球 ●v. 1a tr. discharge (a gun etc.) 开(枪炮等) b tr. propel (a missile) from a gun etc. (从枪炮等中)射出(枪弹、炮弹) c intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 at, into, on) fire a gun or missile 开枪,开炮;发射火箭 d tr. produce (a broadside, salute, etc.) by discharge of guns 鸣枪炮以示敬意,鸣礼炮;舷炮齐射 e intr. (of a gun etc.) be discharged (枪炮等)射击 2 tr. cause (explosive) to explode 使(炸药)爆炸 3 tr. deliver or utter in rapid succession 急速而连续地发出(或说出) fired insults at us 连珠炮似地对我们说侮辱的话 4 tr. slang dismiss (an employee) from a job [俚语]开除(雇员),解雇 5 tr.a set fire to with the intention of destroying 纵火,故意放火 b kindle (explosives) 点燃(炸药) 6 intr. catch fire 着火,开始燃烧 7 intr. (of an internal-combustion engine, or a cylinder in one) undergo ignition of its fuel (内燃机或内燃机汽缸)点火;发动 8 tr. supply (a furnace, engine, boiler, or power station) with fuel 给(炉子、引擎、锅炉或电站)提供燃料 9 tr.a stimulate (the imagination or an emotion) 激发(想像力或情感) b fill (a person) with enthusiasm 使(某人)充满激情 10 tr.a bake or dry (pottery, bricks, etc.) 烧制(陶器、砖等) b cure (tea or tobacco) by artificial heat 焙,烘制(茶叶或烟草) 11 intr. become heated or excited 激动;愤怒 12 tr. cause to glow or redden 使发光;使发红 □ catch fire begin to burn 着火,开始燃烧 □ fire and brimstone the supposed torments of hell (想像中的)地狱之苦 □ fire away colloq. begin; go ahead [口]开始;继续 □ fire up 1 colloq. [口]a stimulate, fill with enthusiasm, excite 激发;充满激情;激动 b start up (an engine etc.) 发动(引擎等) 2 show sudden anger 突然发怒 □ go on fire Sc. & Ir. catch fire [苏格兰和爱尔兰]开始燃烧,着火 □ go through fire and water face all perils 赴汤蹈火 □ on fire 1 burning 着火的;燃烧着 2 excited 激动的 □ set fire to (or set on fire) ignite, kindle, cause to burn 点燃,使燃烧 □ set the world (or Brit. [英] Thames) on fire do something remarkable or sensational 做惊人(或轰动)之事 □ take fire catch fire 着火,开始燃烧 □ under fire (often prec. by 常前接 come) 1 being shot at 遭到射击 2 being rigorously criticized or questioned 受到严厉的批评;受到严格的审讯 □ fireless adj.□ firer n.[Old English fyˉr, fyˉrian, from West Germanic] |