

单词 fine
释义 fine1/fain/ adj., n., adv. & v.adj. 1 of high quality 高质量的 fine fabrics 上好的织品 2a excellent; of notable merit 优秀的,杰出的;极好的 a fine painting 一张出色的画 b good, satisfactory 好的,令人满意的 that will be fine 那将太好了 c fortunate 幸运的 has been a fine thing for him 对他来说一直是件幸事 d well conceived or expressed 构想(或表达)得好的 a fine saying 一句构思精巧的格言 3a pure, refined 纯的,精炼的 b (of gold or silver) containing a specified proportion of pure metal (指金或银)含量高的,纯净的 4 of handsome appearance or size; imposing, dignified (外表)漂亮的;硕大的;雄伟的;高贵的,庄严的 fine buildings 气势雄伟的建筑物; a person of fine presence 仪态高贵的人 5 in good health 健康的 I'm fine, thank you 我身体很好,谢谢 6 (of weather etc.) bright and clear with sunshine; free from rain (天气等)晴朗的;无雨的 7a thin; sharp 薄的;锋利的 b in small particles 颗粒微小的 c worked in slender thread 用细线精制的 d (esp. of print) small (尤指印刷品)字体小的 e (of a pen) narrow-pointed ()尖细的 8 Cricket behind the wicket and near the line of flight of the ball 【板球】在三柱门后面的 9 tritely complimentary; euphemistic 恭维的;委婉的 say fine things about a person 恭维某人; call things by fine names 用好听的名称称呼某物 10 ornate, showy, smart 辞藻华丽的;炫耀的;时髦的 11 fastidious, dainty, pretending refinement; (of speech or writing) affectedly ornate 过分讲究的,挑剔的;假装优雅的;(讲话或写作)过于夸饰的 12a capable of delicate perception or discrimination 能感知(或区分)细微差别的 b perceptible only with difficulty 难于察觉的;细微的 a fine distinction 细微的差别 13a delicate, subtle, exquisitely fashioned 精致的;精湛的;精美的 b (of feelings) refined, elevated (感情)细腻的,高尚的 14 (of wine or other goods) of a high standard; conforming to a specified grade (酒或其他货物)高标准的,达到一定等级的 n. 1 fine weather 好天气 in rain or fine 不管天晴或下雨 2 (in pl. 用复数) very small particles in mining, milling, etc. (矿粉、磨粉等的)微小颗粒 adv. 1 finely 细小地;细微地;精巧地;难于察觉地 2 colloq. very well []很好 suits me fine 对我很合适 v. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 down)a tr. make (beer or wine) clear 使(啤酒或葡萄酒)纯清,澄清 b intr. (of liquid) become clear (液体)变清,变纯 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 away, down, off) make or become finer, thinner, or less coarse; dwindle or taper, or cause to do so (使)变得精细;(使)变得细小;(使)缩小 cut (or run) it fine allow very little margin of time etc. (时间等)扣得很紧,几乎不留余地 fine up Austral. colloq. (of the weather) become fine [澳口] (天气)变晴 not to put too fine a point on it (as a parenthetic remark) to speak bluntly (作插入语)坦率地说,说实话 finely adv. fineness n.[Middle English from Old French fin, ultimately from Latin finire ‘finish’]




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