释义 |
pull/pʊl/ v. & n.●v. 1 tr. exert force on (a thing) tending to move it towards oneself or the origin of the force 拉;拖 stop pulling my hair 别揪我头发 2 tr. cause to move in this way 拉;拖 pulled it nearer 把它拉近一点; pulled me into the room 把我拖进房间 3 intr. exert a pulling force 用拉力 the horse pulls well 马拉力很大; the engine will not pull 这架发动机拉不动 4 tr. extract (a cork or tooth) by pulling 拔(瓶塞或牙齿) 5 tr. damage (a muscle etc.) by abnormal strain 拉伤(肌肉等) 6a tr. move (a boat) by pulling on the oars 用桨划(船) b intr. (of a boat etc.) be caused to move, esp. in a specified direction (船等)移动(尤指朝某一方向) 7 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) proceed with effort (up a hill etc.) 费力地前进(上山等) 8 tr. (foll. by 后跟 on) bring out (a weapon) for use against (a person) 拔出(武器)对准(某人) 9a tr. check the speed of (a horse), esp. so as to make it lose the race (勒马)减速(尤指故意输掉比赛) b intr. (of a horse) strain against the bit (马)咬马嚼子反抗挣扎 10 tr. attract or secure (custom or support) 吸引(顾客);博得(支持) 11 tr. Brit. draw (liquor) from a barrel etc. [英] (从桶等中)汲取(液体) 12 intr. (foll. by 后跟 at) tear or pluck at 撕;摘 13 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on, at) inhale deeply; draw or suck (on a pipe etc.) 深吸;抽,嘬(烟斗等) 14 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) remove (a plant) by the root 连根拔起(植物) 15 tr.a Cricket play (the ball) round to the leg side from the off 【板球】击(球)至左前侧(或右前侧) b Golf & Baseball strike (the ball) widely to the left (or, of a left-handed player, the right) 【高尔夫球】【棒球】挥棒击(球)至左场(或左手击球员击到右场) 16 tr. print (a proof etc.) 打印(校样等) 17 tr. colloq. achieve or accomplish (esp. something illicit) [口]做到;完成(尤指非法之事) 18 tr. slang succeed in attracting sexually; pick up (a sexual partner) [俚语]性引诱成功;与…性交 ●n. 1 the act of pulling 拉;拖 2 the force exerted by this 拉力;拖力 3 a means of exerting influence; an advantage 影响力;有利条件 4 something that attracts or draws attention 吸引力;魅力 5 a deep draught of liquor 畅饮 6 a prolonged effort, e.g. in going up a hill 持续的努力(如上山等) 7 a handle etc. for applying a pull 把手(或拉手等) 8 a spell of rowing 一次划桨动作 9 a printer's rough proof (打样机的)毛样,草样 10 Cricket & Golf a pulling stroke 【板球】【高尔夫球】挥棒一击 11 a suck at a cigarette (烟)嘬,吸 □ pull about 1 treat roughly 粗暴对待 2 pull from side to side 拖来拖去 □ pull all the stops out exert extreme effort 竭尽全力 □ pull apart (or to pieces) = take to pieces (see 见 PIECE) □ pull back retreat or cause to retreat 后退;使后退 □ pull down 1 demolish (esp. a building) 拆毁(尤指建筑物) 2 humiliate 使丢脸 3 colloq. earn (a sum of money) as wages etc. [口]赚(钱) □ pull a face esp. Brit. assume a distinctive or specified (e.g. sad or angry) expression [尤英]做出(如悲哀、生气)的样子 □ pull a fast one see 见 FAST1 □ pull in 1 (of a bus, train, etc.) arrive to take passengers (汽车、火车等)进站 2 (of a vehicle) move to the side of or off the road (车辆)驶向路边;停车 3 earn or acquire 赚得;获得 4 colloq. arrest [口]拘捕 5 rein in, hold in, check 勒住;抑制住;制止 □ pull a person's leg deceive a person playfully 愚弄某人 □ pull off 1 remove by pulling 拉开 2 succeed in achieving or winning 成功完成;赢得 □ pull oneself together recover control of oneself 控制住自己 □ pull the other one Brit. colloq. expressing disbelief [英口]表示怀疑 with reference to 参考 pull a person's leg □ pull out 1 take out by pulling 拉出 2 depart 离开 3 withdraw from an undertaking 退出 4 (of a bus, train, etc.) leave with its passengers (汽车、火车等)出站 5 (of a vehicle) move out from the side of the road, or from its normal position to overtake (车辆)驶离路边;驶离原位置超车 □ pull over (of a vehicle) pull in (车辆)驶入 □ pull the plug (often foll. by 常后跟 on) colloq. put an end to an enterprise etc.; destroy; cut off (supplies etc.) [口] (企业等)破产;摧毁;切断(补给等) □ pull one's punches avoid using one's full force 避免用全力 □ pull rank take unfair advantage of one's seniority 滥用职权;以势压人 □ pull round esp. Brit. recover or cause to recover from an illness [尤英] (使)恢复健康 □ pull strings exert (esp. clandestine) influence (尤指暗暗地)施加影响 □ pull the strings be the real actuator of what another does 幕后操纵 □ pull through 1 get through an illness, a dangerous situation, or a difficult undertaking 战胜疾病;脱离险境;渡过难关 2 enable (a person) to do this (使某人)渡过险境(或难关);(使某人)恢复健康 □ pull together work in harmony 齐心协力,通力合作 □ pull up 1 stop or cause to stop moving 停止;使停下不动 2 pull out of the ground 拔掉,根除 3 reprimand 责备,谴责 4 check oneself 克制自己 □ pull one's weight do one's fair share of work 努力做好自己的份内工作 □ pull wires esp. US [尤美] = pull strings □ puller n.[Old English (ɑˉ)pullian, perhaps related to Low German pūlen, Middle Dutch polen ‘to shell’] |