释义 |
psychedelic/saikiˈdelik, -ˈdi:lik/ adj. & n.●adj. 1a expanding the mind's awareness etc., esp. through the use of hallucinogenic drugs (尤指通过使用迷幻药)引起幻觉的 b (of an experience) hallucinatory; bizarre (经历)幻觉中出现的;怪诞的 c (of a drug) producing hallucinations (药物)产生幻觉的 2 colloq. [口]a producing an effect resembling that of a psychedelic drug; having vivid colours or designs etc. 产生幻觉效果的;五光十色的;图案斑斓的 b (of colours, patterns, etc.) bright, bold, and often abstract (色彩、图案等)光怪陆离的 ●n. a hallucinogenic drug 迷幻药 □ psychedelically adv.[formed irregularly from Greek (as PSYCHE1, dēlos ‘clear, manifest’)] |