

单词 fall
释义 fall/fɔ:l/ v. & n.v. intr. (past fell /fel/; past part. fallen /ˈfɔ:l(ə)n/) 1a go or come down freely; descend rapidly from a higher to a lower level (自由)下落,降落;(快速)跌落;掉下 fell from the top floor 从顶层掉了下来; rain was falling 雨正下着 b drop or be dropped 降下,落下 supplies fell by parachute 由降落伞空投的供应品; the curtain fell 幕落了 2a (often foll. by 常后跟 over) cease to stand upright 跌倒;摔倒 fell into my arms 跌入我的双臂; fell over the chair 摔倒在椅子上 b come suddenly to the ground (突然)摔倒在地 c prostrate oneself in order to worship or implore 拜倒(崇拜或祈求) 3 (foll. by 后跟 into) stumble or be drawn into (a trap, an error, etc.) 跌入(陷井);陷入(错误等) 4 become detached and descend or disappear 脱落 5 take a downward direction 朝向下方 : a (of hair, clothing, etc.) hang down (头发、衣服等)垂下,下垂 b (of ground etc.) slope (地面等)倾斜 c (foll. by 后跟 into) (of a river etc.) discharge into (河流等)注入,泄入 6a find a lower level; sink lower 下降;沉降 b subside, abate 减退,减弱 7 (of a barometer, thermometer, etc.) show a lower reading (气压、温度等)下降,降低 8 occur; become apparent or present 发生;降临 darkness fell 夜幕降临了 9 decline, diminish 降低,减少 demand is falling 需求在减少; standards have fallen 标准已降低 10a (of the face) show dismay or disappointment (面部)露出沮丧(或失望)(面色)变阴沉 b (of the eyes or a glance) look downwards (眼睛或目光)下垂 11a lose power or status 失去(权力或地位) the government will fall 政府要垮台了 b lose esteem, moral integrity, etc. 丧失(自尊、道德等) 12 commit sin; yield to temptation 犯罪;堕落 13 take or have a particular direction or place 落到;落向 his eye fell on me 他的目光落到了我身上; the accent falls on the first syllable 重音落在第一音节上 14a find a place; be naturally divisible 分成,分为 the subject falls into three parts 这个题目分为三部分 b (foll. by 后跟 under, within) be classed among 被列为;被归入…类别 15 occur at a specified time (在特定时刻)发生;到来 Easter falls early this year 今年复活节来得早 16 come by chance or duty 轮到;(偶然)落到 it fell to me to answer 该我回答了 17a pass into a specified condition 进入某种状态 fall into decay 腐朽; fell ill 生病了 b become 变得 fall asleep 睡着了 18a (of a position etc.) be overthrown or captured; succumb to attack (地位等)被推翻(或被篡夺);失守,被攻克 b be defeated; fail 垮台,失败 19 die 死亡 fall in battle 阵亡 20 (foll. by 后跟 on, upon)a attack 攻击 b meet with 遭遇,遇到 c embrace or embark on avidly (急不可待地)开始 21 (foll. by 后跟 to + verbal noun) begin 开始 fell to wondering 开始疑惑 22 (foll. by 后跟 to) lapse, revert 归转,归于 revenues fall to the Crown 税收归转王国政府 n. 1 the act or an instance of falling; a sudden rapid descent 落下;跌落;降落;掉下 2 that which falls or has fallen, e.g. snow, rocks, etc. 下落(或落下)的东西(如雪、岩石等) 3 the recorded amount of rainfall etc. (雨等的)降落量 4 a decline or diminution 下跌,降低;减少,减小 5 overthrow, downfall 垮台,倾覆;衰落 the fall of Rome 罗马的衰亡 6a succumbing to temptation 堕落 b ( the Fall) the sin of Adam and its consequences, as described in Genesis 人类的堕落(基督教《旧约全书》第一卷《创世纪》中指亚当受诱惑吃禁果后陷入罪恶) 7a (of material, land, light, etc.) a downward direction; a slope (布料、土地、光线等)下垂,下倾,下射;斜坡 b a downward difference in height 落差 a fall of 3 inches from back to front 前后 3 英寸的落差 8 (also 亦作 Fall) N. Amer. autumn [北美]秋天,秋季 9a (esp. in pl. 尤用复数) a waterfall, cataract, or cascade 瀑布 b a long hairpiece 长假发 10 Mus. a cadence 【音】(音乐的)终止 11a a wrestling bout; a throw in wrestling which keeps the opponent on the ground for a specified time (摔跤中)把对手摔倒;摔倒一次(使对手倒地达归定时间) b a controlled act of falling, esp. as a stunt or in judo etc. (尤指在特技表演或柔道中有控制的)摔倒动作 12a the birth of young of certain animals (兽的)下崽 b the number of young born 一胎(的数量) 13 a rope of a hoisting-tackle 滑车索;辘绳 fall about Brit. colloq. be helpless, esp. with laughter [英口] (尤指笑得)无法自制 fall apart (or to pieces) 1 break into pieces 破裂,破碎 2 (of a situation etc.) disintegrate; be reduced to chaos (局势等)崩溃;解体,散开;陷入混乱 3 lose one's capacity to cope 失去应付能力 fall away 1 (of a surface) incline abruptly (指表面)突然倾斜 2 become few or thin; gradually vanish 减少;消瘦;消失 3 desert, revolt; abandon one's principles 遗弃;背叛;背弃原则 fall back retreat 撤退,退却 fall back on have recourse to in difficulty 求助于;依赖,依靠 fall behind 1 be outstripped by one's competitors etc.; lag 落后于 2 be in arrears 拖欠(款项);拖延(做某事) fall down (often foll. by 常后跟 on) fail; perform poorly; fail to deliver (payment etc.) 失败;未能做好;未能交付(款项等) fall for colloq. [] 1 be captivated or deceived by 被迷惑;受欺骗 2 yield to the charms or merits of 迷恋;爱上 fall foul (N. Amer. also [北美亦] afoul) of come into conflict with; quarrel with 与…冲突;与…争吵 fall in 1a take one's place in military formation 排队,站队;集合 b (as int.) the order to do this (排队或集合用的口令)集合 2 collapse inwards 往里坍塌 fall in love see LOVE fall into line 1 take one's place in the ranks 排成行,排齐 2 conform or collaborate with others 一致,符合;与…合作 fall into place begin to make sense or cohere 开始有头绪;(情况)开始变得清楚 fall in with 1 meet by chance 偶然遇到 2 agree with; accede to; humour 同意,赞成,依从 3 coincide with 符合;适合 fall off 1 (of demand etc.) decrease, deteriorate (需求等)减少;恶化 2 withdraw 离开;退开;疏远 fall out 1 quarrel 争吵 2 (of the hair, teeth, etc.) become detached (头发、牙齿等)脱落 3 Mil. come out of formation 【军】队伍解散 4 result; come to pass; occur 结果();发生 fall out of gradually discontinue (a habit etc.) 逐渐中止(习惯等) fall over oneself colloq. [] 1 be eager or competitive 渴望,极想;争先恐后 2 be awkward, stumble through haste, confusion, etc. (因匆忙、慌乱等而)笨拙(或跌跤) fall short 1 be or become deficient or inadequate 缺乏,不足 2 (of a missile etc.) not reach its target (投射物等)未中目标 fall short of fail to reach or obtain 未达到;未获得 fall through fail; come to nothing; miscarry 失败;成为泡影;落空 fall to begin an activity, e.g. eating or working 开始某一行动(如吃饭、工作等)[Old English fallan, feallan, from Germanic]




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