

单词 factor
释义 factor/ˈfæktə/ n. & v.n. 1 a circumstance, fact, or influence contributing to a result 因素 2 Math. a whole number etc. that when multiplied with another produces a given number or expression 【数】因数,因子 3 Biol. a gene etc. determining hereditary character 【生】遗传因子,基因 4 (foll. by identifying number 后跟区分号码) Med. any of a group of substances in the blood contributing to coagulation 【医】凝血因子 factor eight 凝血因子Ⅷ,抗血友病因子,抗血友病球蛋白 5a a business agent; a merchant buying and selling on commission (企业的)代理商;(代客买卖收取佣金的)经纪人,代理人 b Sc. a land agent or steward [苏格兰]地产经管人;管家 c an agent or deputy 代理商;经销商;代办人 6 a company that buys a manufacturer's invoices and takes responsibility for collecting the payments due on them (垫付并代收账款从中收取佣金的)代理商 v. tr. 1 Math. resolve into factors or components 【数】分解因子;把…分解成 2 tr. sell (one's receivable debts) to a factor (将可收回的债务)售给代理商 factorable adj.[French facteur or Latin factor, from facere fact- ‘do, make’]




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