

单词 face
释义 face/feis/ n. & v.n. 1 the front of the head from the forehead to the chin 脸,面孔 2 the expression of the facial features 面部表情;脸色 had a happy face 面色愉快 3 composure, coolness, effrontery 镇静;冷漠;厚颜 4 the surface of a thing, esp. as regarded or approached, esp. (物体的)表面;正面(尤指): a the visible part of a celestial body 天体的可见部分 b a side of a mountain etc. 山坡 the north face 山北坡 c the (usu. vertical) surface of a coal-seam 煤矿的(垂直)采掘面 d Geom. each surface of a solid 【几】(立体图形的) e the façade of a building (建筑物的)正面 f the plate of a clock or watch bearing the digits, hands, etc. (或表)的面 5a the functional or working side of a tool etc. (器具等的)工作面 b the distinctive side of a playing card (纸牌的)正面 c the obverse of a coin (硬币的)正面 6 = TYPEFACE 7 the outward appearance or aspect 外表,外观;局势,形势 the unacceptable face of capitalism 无法接受的资本主义形势 8 a person, esp. conveying some quality or association (尤指体现某种特性或联想的) a face from the past 过去认识的人; some young faces for a change 用几名年轻人以带来新气象 9 esteem, respectable reputation 面子;威信;自尊;尊严 defeat would entail a loss of face 失败将意味着丢失脸面 v. 1 tr. & intr. look or be positioned towards or in a certain direction 面向,面对,对着 face towards the window 朝着窗子; facing the window 面向窗子; the room faces north 房间面朝北 2 tr. be opposite 正对 facing page 20 正对着第 20 3 tr.a (often foll. by 常后跟 down, out) meet resolutely or defiantly; confront 毅然相对;勇敢迎接 face one's critics 勇敢地面对批评 b not shrink from 不退却;正视 face the facts 正视现实 4 tr. present itself to; confront 把…摆在面前;面临 the problem that faces us 我们所面临的问题; faces us with a problem 把问题摆在我们面前 5 tr.a cover the surface of (a thing) with a coating, extra layer, etc. 抹盖,覆盖 b put a facing on (a garment) (衣服)镶边 6 intr. & tr. turn or cause to turn in a certain direction (使)转向 face down (or downwards) with the face or surface turned towards the ground, floor, etc. (see also sense 3a of v. 另见动词释义 3a) 面朝下 face facts (or the facts) recognize the truth 面对事实;承认现状 face off take up an attitude of confrontation, esp. at the start of a fight, game, etc. (尤指打仗、比赛等开始时与对手)对峙 face the music put up with or stand up to unpleasant consequences, esp. criticism 忍受(或承担)不愉快的后果(尤指批评) face to face (often foll. by 常后跟 with) facing; confronting each other 面对面 face up (or upwards) with the face or surface turned upwards to view 面朝上 face up to accept bravely; confront; stand up to 勇敢地接受;大胆地面对(或对付) have the face be shameless enough 恬不知耻地 in one's (or the) face 1 straight against one; as one approaches 迎面 2 confronting 面临,面对 in face (or the face) of 1 despite 不管,不顾 2 confronted by 面对着 in your face see IN-YOUR-FACE let's face it colloq. we must be honest or realistic about it []让我们正视现实;咱们实话实说吧 on the face of it as it would appear 从表面上看;乍看起来 put a bold (or brave) face on it accept difficulty etc. cheerfully or with courage 愉快(或勇敢)地面对困难等 put one's face on colloq. apply make-up to one's face []给面部化妆 put a good face on make (a matter) look well 粉饰,使面目一新 put a new face on alter the aspect of 使改观 save face preserve esteem; avoid humiliation 保全面子,避免羞辱 save a person's face enable a person to save face; forbear from humiliating a person 保全某人面子,避免羞辱某人 set one's face against oppose or resist with determination 坚决反对(或抵制) show one's face see SHOW to a person's face openly in a person's presence 当面;直率地 faced adj. (also in comb. 亦用于复合词)具有…脸型的;有…表面的;有…贴边的 facing adj. (also in comb. 亦用于复合词)[Middle English from Old French, ultimately from Latin facies]




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