释义 |
exit/ˈeksit, ˈeɡzit/ n. & v.●n. 1 a passage or door by which to leave a room, building, etc. 出口,安全门,太平门 2a the act of going out 出去,离开,退出 b the right or freedom to go out 离开权,出门权 3 a place where vehicles can leave a motorway or major road (公路上)机动车下高速路或主路的出口 4 the departure of an actor from the stage 演员退场 5 literary death [文学用语]死亡,去世 ●v. (exited, exiting) 1 intr. go out of a room, building, etc. 退出,离开,出去 2 intr. (as a stage direction) (an actor) leaves the stage (舞台指令) (演员)下场,退场 exit Macbeth 马克佩斯下场 3 intr. literary die [文学用语]死亡,去世 4 tr. go out of, leave (a place etc.) 离开,出去 5 Computing 【计算】a intr. terminate a process etc.; return to an earlier or more general level of interaction 退出;返回(前级) b tr. terminate (a process, program, etc.) in this way 退出后中止(过程、程序等)[Latin, 3rd sing. present of exire ‘go out’ (as EX-1, ire ‘go’) : cf. Latin exitus ‘going out’] |