释义 |
prey/prei/ n. & v.●n. 1 an animal that is hunted or killed by another for food 被捕(食)的动物 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) a person or thing that is influenced by or vulnerable to (something undesirable) (成为讨厌东西的)牺牲者(品) became a prey to morbid fears 成为病态恐怖的牺牲品 3 Bibl. or archaic plunder, booty, etc. 【圣经】[古义]掠夺品(赃物等) ●v. intr. (foll. by 后跟 on, upon) 1 seek or take as prey 攫食;捕食 2 make a victim of 成为受害者 3 (of a disease, emotion, etc.) exert a harmful influence (疾病、感情等)损害,折磨 fear preyed on his mind 恐惧折磨他的心灵 □ preyer n.[Middle English via Old French preie from Latin praeda ‘booty’] |