

单词 anticipate
释义 anticipate/ænˈtisipeit/v. tr. 1 be aware of (a thing) in advance and act accordingly; forestall (an action) 预料到并采取相应行动 anticipated his opponent's moves 预料到对手的招数; anticipated the hard winter ahead 预料到前面的严冬; anticipates my every need 事先想到了我的每一个需求 2 disp. expect, foresee; regard as probable [异议]期望,预见,认为多半可能 did not anticipate any difficulty 没有预见到任何困难 3 take action before (another person); forestall 早于(别人)采取行动;先下手,抢先一步 was about to announce the discovery but was anticipated by his pupil 正要公开这一新发现,却被自己的学生抢先一步 4 look forward to 期待,期盼 I anticipated the interview with pleasure 我愉快地期待着这次会见 5 cause (a future event) to happen earlier; accelerate 使(将要发生的事情)提前发生;加速 anticipative adj. anticipator n. anticipatory adj.[Latin anticipare (as ANTE- + -cipare from capere ‘take’)]
Usage 用法说明
The use of anticipate in sense 2 above is well established in informal use, but is regarded as incorrect by some people. 上述 anticipate 一词的释义 2 常用于非正式场合,但有人认为不规范。




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