释义 |
enemy/ˈenəmi/n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person or group actively opposing or hostile to another, or to a cause etc. 敌人,仇敌,仇人 2a a hostile nation or army, esp. in war 敌国;敌军(尤指在战争中) b a member of this 敌兵 c a hostile ship or aircraft 敌舰;敌机 3 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of, to) an adversary or opponent 敌手;反对者,敌对方 4 a thing that harms or injures 危害物,伤害物 5 (作 attrib.) of or belonging to an enemy 敌人的,敌方的 destroyed by enemy action 被敌方的行动所摧毁[Middle English via Old French enemi from Latin inimicus (as IN-1, amicus ‘friend’)] |