释义 |
embrace/imˈbreis, em-/ v. & n.●v. tr. 1a hold (a person) closely in the arms, esp. as a sign of affection 拥抱,把…拥入怀中(尤指表示爱意) b (absol. [含宾], of two people) hold each other closely (两人)拥抱,搂抱 2 clasp, enclose 围在一起,团成一团 3 accept eagerly (an offer, opportunity, etc.) 欣然接受,乐于采纳(别人的帮助、机会等) 4 adopt (a course of action, doctrine, cause, etc.) 采取,接受(行为方式、信念、事业等) 5 include, comprise 收录,编入 6 take in with the eye or mind 看到,领会,体察 ●n. an act of embracing; holding in the arms 拥抱,怀抱,搂抱 □ embraceable adj.□ embracement n.□ embracer n.[Middle English from Old French embracer, ultimately from Latin in- IN-1 + bracchium ‘arm’] |