释义 |
plus/plʌs/ prep., adj., n. & conj.●prep. 1 Math. with the addition of (3 plus 4 equals 7) (symbol 符 +) 【数】加 (3 加 4 等于 7) 2 (of temperature) above zero (温度)零度以上 plus 2°C 2 摄氏度 3 colloq. with; having gained; newly possessing [口]和,外加,新增益 returned plus a new car 回来时拥有一辆新车 ●adj. 1 (after a number) at least (数字后)至少 fifteen plus 最少 15 2 (after a grade etc.) rather better than (置于等级等后)好于…的,略高于…的 beta plus 稍高于二等 3 Math. positive 【数】正的 4 having a positive electrical charge 正电的 5 (作 attrib.) additional, extra 附加的,额外的 plus business 额外买卖 ●n. 1 = PLUS SIGN 2 Math. an additional or positive quantity 【数】正数,正量 3 an advantage 有利因素 experience is a definite plus 经验肯定是有利条件 ●conj. colloq. disp. also; and furthermore [口] [异议]也,并且 they arrived late, plus they were hungry 他们来晚了,并且饥肠辘辘[Latin, = more]■ Usage 用法说明 The use of plus as a conjunction, as in They arrived late, plus they wanted a meal, is considered incorrect by some people. 某些人认为 They arrived late, plus they wanted a meal (他们来晚了而且还想吃饭)中的连词 plus 的用法是不正确的。 |