释义 |
plaster/ˈplɑ:stə/ n. & v.●n. 1 a soft pliable mixture esp. of lime putty with sand or Portland cement etc. for spreading on walls, ceilings, etc., to form a smooth hard surface when dried (尤指由石灰膏、砂、硅酸盐水泥等混合而成的)灰泥,灰浆 2 Brit. [英] = STICKING PLASTER 3 = PLASTER OF PARIS 4 hist. a curative or protective substance spread on a bandage etc. and applied to the body [史义]膏药 mustard plaster 芥子硬膏 ●v. tr. 1 cover (a wall etc.) with plaster or a similar substance (用灰泥等)涂抹(墙等) 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 with) coat thickly or to excess; bedaub 厚厚地涂抹;涂满 plastered the bread with jam 面包上涂了一层厚厚的果酱; the wall was plastered with slogans 墙上贴满了标语 3 stick or apply (a thing) thickly like plaster 使紧贴;粘贴(某物) plastered glue all over it 到处粘着胶水 4 (often foll. by 常后跟 down) make (esp. hair) smooth with water, cream, etc.; fix flat (用水、发蜡等)使(尤指头发)平服,平贴 5 (as 作 plastered adj.) slang drunk [俚语]喝醉了的 6 apply a medical plaster or plaster cast to 敷膏药于;敷石膏绷带于 7 slang bomb or shell heavily [俚语]狂轰滥炸 □ plasterer n.□ plastery adj.[Old English via medieval Latin plastrum and Latin emplastrum from Greek emplastron, later reinforced by Old French plastre and French plastrer] |