

单词 eat
释义 eat/i:t/v. (past ate /et, eit/; past part. eaten /ˈi:t(ə)n/) 1a tr. take into the mouth, chew, and swallow (food) 吃,咀嚼;吞咽(食物) b intr. consume food; take a meal 吃饭,就餐 c tr. devour 咬,吞噬 eaten by a lion 被狮子吞噬 2 intr. (foll. by 后跟 (away) at, into)a destroy gradually, esp. by corrosion, erosion, disease, etc. 逐渐毁掉,耗尽;毁坏(尤指因风化、侵蚀、疾病等所致) b begin to consume or diminish (resources etc.) 开始消耗,耗尽(资源等) 3 tr. colloq. trouble, vex []麻烦事,烦扰 what's eating you? 什么事使你烦心? eat dirt see DIRT eat one's hat colloq. admit one's surprise in being wrong (only as a proposition unlikely to be fulfilled) []对自身犯错误表示惊异时的用语(只作为一种誓言、诅咒而无须兑现): said he would eat his hat 他说要是他…的话,就砍他的头 eat one's heart out suffer from excessive longing or envy 苦苦向往,极度渴望;非常羡慕 eat humble pie see HUMBLE eat out have a meal away from home, esp. in a restaurant 上饭馆,下馆子,出去吃,(尤指)在餐馆里就餐 eat out of a person's hand be entirely submissive to a person 完全听从于某人,完全受某人支配 eat salt with see SALT eat up 1 (also absol. [亦含宾]) eat or consume completely 吃光,吃完;耗尽 2 use or deal with rapidly or wastefully 很快用完,处理完;挥霍掉 eats up petrol 把汽油用尽; eats up the miles 迅速驶完 3 encroach upon or annex 侵占,占取 eating up the neighbouring states 蚕食,侵占周边国家(领土) 4 absorb, preoccupy 吞没;困扰;缠住;充满 eaten up with pride 骄傲得不行,骄傲之极 eat one's words admit that one was wrong 承认错误,收回讲过的话 [Old English etan, from Germanic]




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