释义 |
pit1/pit/ n. & v.●n. 1a a usu. large deep hole in the ground 穴,洞,坑 b a hole made in digging for industrial purposes, esp. for coal 采矿坑;(尤指)煤矿 chalk pit 白垩矿场; gravel pit 采石场 c a covered hole as a trap for esp. wild animals (尤指捕猎野兽用的)陷阱,陷坑 2a an indentation left after smallpox, acne, etc. (天花、痤疮等留下的)痘凹,凹痕 b a hollow in a plant or animal body or on any surface (植物、动物身体上或物体表面上的)窝,凹陷 3a = ORCHESTRA 2a b Brit. Theatr. [英]【戏】 (usu. hist. [通常史义]) seating at the back of the stalls, or the people seated there 正厅后座;正厅后座观众 4a (the pit or bottomless pit) hell 地狱 b (the pits) slang a wretched or the worst imaginable place, situation, person, etc. [俚语]想像中恶劣(或最差)的地方(或形势、人等) 5a an area at the side of a track where racing cars are serviced and refuelled (赛车道旁的)检修加油站 b a sunken area in a workshop floor for access to a car's underside (修车处的)检修坑 6 N. Amer. the part of the floor of an exchange allotted to special trading [北美] (特定贸易的)交易场地 wheat-pit 小麦交易场 7 an enclosure in which animals are made to fight (cf. 参见 COCKPIT 3) 斗兽场 8 Brit. slang a bed [英] [俚语]床 ●v. (pitted, pitting) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 against)a set (one's wits, strength, etc.) in opposition or rivalry 使(某人的智力、力量等)对抗(或较量) b set (a cock, dog, etc.) to fight, originally in a pit, against another 使(鸡、狗等)相斗(或互斗) 2 tr. (usu. as 通常作 pitted adj.) make pits, esp. scars, in 留有凹陷;留有麻点(尤指疤痕) 3 intr. (of the flesh etc.) retain the impression of a finger etc. when touched (肉体等被压后)起凹陷 4 tr. put (esp. vegetables for storage) into a pit 放入窖中(尤指储存蔬菜) □ dig a pit for try to ensnare 设法使…落入圈套 [Old English pytt, ultimately from Latin puteus ‘well’] |