释义 |
ease/i:z/ n. & v.●n. 1 absence of difficulty; facility, effortlessness 不费气力,轻松;悠闲 did it with ease 完成得很轻松 2a freedom or relief from pain, anxiety, or trouble 轻松,自在;无忧无虑 b freedom from embarrassment or awkwardness 自然,随意 c freedom or relief from constraint or formality 自由,不受拘束,不拘谨 ●v. 1 tr. relieve from pain or anxiety etc. 使轻松,使放心 often foll. by 常后跟 of: eased my mind 让我宽心,使我心情放松; eased me of the burden 使我如释重负 2 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 off, up)a become less painful or burdensome 减轻痛苦;畅快;释然 b relax; begin to take it easy 放松,安心 c slow down; moderate one's behaviour, habits, etc. (做事)平和;悠然,(行为举止等)和缓 3 tr. joc. rob or extract money etc. from [诙]从…抢钱或敛钱(等) let me ease you of your loose change 把你那些零钱全给我 4 intr. Meteorol. become less severe 【气】(风等)减弱,减缓 the wind will ease tonight 今夜风势将会减弱 5a tr. relax; slacken; make a less tight fit 松弛;松开;松绑 b tr. & intr. (foll. by 后跟 through, into, etc.) move or be moved carefully into place 小心地移入或被放入 eased it into the hole 把它小心地置于洞中 6 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 off) Stock Exch. (of shares etc.) descend in price or value 【股】股价(或股值)下跌 □ at ease 1 free from anxiety or constraint 自在,不紧张,放松 2 Mil.a in a relaxed attitude while on parade, with the feet apart 【军】稍息(列队时两脚分开站立) b the order to stand in this way 稍息的口令 □ at one's ease free from embarrassment, awkwardness, or undue formality 随意;随便,无拘无束 □ ease away (or down or off) Naut. slacken (a rope, sail, etc.) 【海】松开,解开(缆绳、帆等) □ easer n.[Middle English from Anglo-French ese, Old French eise, ultimately from Latin adjacens ADJACENT] |