

单词 pinch
释义 pinch/pin(t)ʃ/ v. & n.v. 1 tr.a grip (esp. the skin of part of the body or of another person) tightly, esp. between finger and thumb (尤指用手指和拇指)捏,拧;夹(身体某部位或他人身体部位的皮肤) pinched my finger in the door 我的手指夹在了门缝中; stop pinching me 住手,别拧我 b (often absol. [常含宾]) (of a shoe, garment, etc.) constrict (the flesh) painfully (鞋、衣服等)挤压,挤痛(肉体) 2 tr. (of cold, hunger, etc.) grip (a person) painfully (寒冷、饥饿等)使(某人)痛苦(或不舒服) she was pinched with cold 她被冻得缩手缩脚 3 tr.a esp. Brit. colloq. steal; take without permission [尤英口]偷;擅自拿取 b slang arrest (a person) [俚语]逮捕(某人) pinched him for loitering 他因游荡而被拘留 4 tr. (as pinched adj.) (of the features) drawn, as with cold, hunger, worry, etc. (面容)皱缩的(寒冷、饥饿、焦虑等引起) 5a tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 in, of, for, etc.) stint (a person) 使(某人)节俭 b intr. be niggardly with money, food, etc. 小气;吝啬 6 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 out, back, down) remove (leaves, buds, etc.) to encourage bushy growth (为促进生长而)掐掉(叶子、花蕾等) 7 intr. sail very close to the wind (帆船)紧抢风 n. 1 the act or an instance of pinching etc. the flesh 捏,掐,拧,夹 2 an amount that can be taken up with fingers and thumb 一撮,少量 a pinch of snuff 一撮鼻烟 3 the stress or pain caused by poverty, cold, hunger, etc. (贫穷、寒冷、饥饿等的)逼迫;苦痛 4 slang [俚语]a an arrest 逮捕,拘留 b a theft 偷窃,盗窃 at (or in) a pinch in an emergency; if necessary 紧要关头;必要时刻 feel the pinch experience the effects of poverty 感到手头紧张,感到拮据 [Middle English via an Anglo-French and Old Norman French variant of Old French pincier, ultimately from Latin pungere punct- ‘prick’]




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