释义 |
□ pick up 1 grasp and raise (from the ground etc.) ( 从地面等 ) 捡起,抓起 picked up his hat 捡起他的帽子 2 gain or acquire by chance or without effort ( 偶然或不费力地 ) 获得,得到 picked up a cold 不小心感冒了 ; picked up French easily 很容易就学会法语了 3 a fetch (a person, animal, or thing) left in another person's charge ( 从他人处 ) 取回 ( 人、牲畜或东西 ) b stop for and take along with one, esp. in a vehicle ( 尤指坐车时停下来 ) 把 ( 人或东西 ) 带走 pick me up on the corner 在拐角处接我 4 make the acquaintance of (a person) casually, esp. as a sexual overture 与 ( 某人 ) 偶然结识 ( 尤指性的交往 ) 5 (of one's health, the weather, share prices, etc.) recover, prosper, improve ( 健康、天气、股票价格等 ) 恢复;好转;改善 6 (of a motor engine etc.) recover speed; accelerate ( 汽车发动机等 ) 恢复速度;加速 7 (of the police etc.) take into charge; arrest ( 警察等 ) 拘捕;逮捕 8 detect by scrutiny or with a telescope, searchlight, radio, etc. ( 用望远镜、探照灯、无线电等 ) 发现;探测出 picked up most of the mistakes 发现了大部分错误; picked up a distress signal 探测出遇难信号 9 a (often foll. by 常后跟 with ) form or renew a friendship 建立友谊;重续友谊 b resume, take up anew 重新开始 pick up where we left off 从我们停止的地方重新开始 10 (esp. in phr. 尤用于短语 pick up the tab ) accept the responsibility of paying (a bill etc.) 承担支付 ( 账单等 ) 的责任 11 ( 作 refl. ) raise (oneself etc.) after a fall etc. ( 跌倒等后 ) 使 ( 自己等 ) 爬起来 12 raise (the feet etc.) clear of the ground 抬起 ( 脚等 ) 13 Golf pick up one's ball, esp. when conceding a hole 【高尔夫球】 ( 尤指输了一个球洞后 ) 拾球 ‣Main Entry: pick |