

单词 dry
释义 dry/drai/ adj., v. & n.adj. (drier /ˈdraiə/; driest /ˈdraiist/) 1 free from moisture, not wet, esp. 干的,干燥的,尤指 : a with any moisture having evaporated, drained, or been wiped away (湿气已蒸发、耗尽或排除)无水分的,放干的 the clothes are not dry yet 衣服还没有干 b (of the eyes) free from tears ()无泪的 c (of a climate etc.) with insufficient rainfall; not rainy (气候等)无雨的;干旱的 a dry spell 干旱期 d (of a river, well, etc.) dried up; not yielding water (河流、水井等)干涸的,无水的 e (of a liquid) having disappeared by evaporation etc. (液体因蒸发等而)干透了的 f not connected with or for use without moisture 不用水操作的 dry shampoo 干洗的洗发剂 g (of a shave) with an electric razor (用电剃刀)干刮的 2 (of wine etc.) not sweet (葡萄酒等)无甜味的 dry sherry 干雪利酒 3a meagre, plain, or bare 贫乏的;简朴的;缺少的 dry facts 缺乏事实 b uninteresting; dull 没有趣味的;无聊的 dry as dust 枯燥无味 4 (of a sense of humour, a joke, etc.) subtle, ironic, and quietly expressed; not obvious (幽默感、笑话等)难以捉摸的;冷面滑稽的;冷冰冰的;不露感情的 5a (of a country, of legislation, etc.) prohibiting the sale of alcoholic drink (国家、法规等)禁止含酒精饮料销售的,禁酒的 b (of a person) abstaining from alcohol or drugs ()戒酒(戒毒) 6 (of toast, bread, etc.) without butter, margarine, etc. (烤面包、面包等)不涂黄油(或人造黄油) 7 Brit. (of provisions, groceries, etc.) solid, not liquid [] (粮食、杂货等)干货的 8 impassive, unsympathetic; hard; cold 冷漠的;无情的;严厉的;冷淡的 9 (of a cow etc.) not yielding milk (奶牛等)不产奶的 10 colloq. thirsty or thirst-making [] (使)口渴的;干渴的 feel dry 感到口渴; this is dry work 这是件让人累得口干舌燥的工作 11 Brit. Polit. colloq. of or being a political ‘dry’ (see sense 3 of n.) []【政】[]枯燥乏味的(见名词释义 3) v. (dries, dried) 1 tr. & intr. make or become dry by wiping, evaporation, draining, etc. (使)干;弄干;擦干(蒸发干、排干等) 2 tr. (usu. as 通常作 dried adj.) preserve (food etc.) by removing the moisture 使(食品等)脱水,风干 dried egg 干蛋; dried fruit 干果; dried flowers 干花 3 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) Theatr. colloq. forget one's lines 【戏】[]忘记台词 4 tr. & intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 off, up) cease or cause (a cow etc.) to cease yielding milk (使) (奶牛等)停奶 n. (pl. dries) 1 the process or an instance of drying 干燥过程(或处理) 2 (prec. by 前接 the) a dry place 干处,干的地方 come into the dry 到干处来 3 Brit. colloq. a politician, esp. a Conservative, who advocates individual responsibility, free trade, and economic stringency, and opposes high government spending [英口] (尤指主张个人责任、自由贸易及紧缩银根,反对政府高行政支出的)保守党政治家 4a (prec. by 前接 the) esp. Austral. colloq. the dry season [尤澳口]干燥季节,旱季 b Austral. a desert area, waterless country []沙漠;无水地区 5a dry ginger ale 无甜味姜味汽水 b dry wine, sherry, etc. 无甜味葡萄酒,干葡萄酒(雪利酒等) dry out 1 become fully dry 干透 2 (of a drug addict, alcoholic, etc.) undergo treatment to cure addiction 戒毒(酒等) dry up 1 make utterly dry 使完全干透 2 Brit. dry dishes []擦干碗碟 3 (of moisture) disappear utterly (湿气)完全消失,全干 4 (of a well etc.) cease to yield water (水井等)干涸 5 (esp. in imper. 尤用于祈使句) colloq. cease talking []中止谈话,(使)住口 go dry enact legislation for the prohibition of alcohol 制订(或颁布)禁酒法 dryish adj. dryness n.[Old English dryˉge, drygan, related to Middle Low German dröge, Middle Dutch drōghe, from Germanic]




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