释义 |
drag/dræɡ/ v. & n.●v. (dragged, dragging) 1 tr. pull along with effort or difficulty (用力或费劲地)拖,拉,曳 2a tr. allow (one's feet, tail, etc.) to trail along the ground 拖着(脚、尾等)行进 b intr. trail along the ground 拖曳而进 c intr. (of time etc.) go or pass heavily or slowly or tediously (时间等)放慢(或乏味地流逝) 3a intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) use a grapnel or drag (to find a drowned person or lost object) 使用钩(或耙)寻找(溺水者或失落之物) b tr. search the bottom of (a river etc.) with grapnels, nets, or drags (用钩、网或耙在河底等)打捞,搜索 4 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 to) colloq. take (a person to a place etc., esp. against his or her will) [口] (违背他人意愿地)带(人)去(某个地方);硬拉(某人去某地) 5 intr. (foll. by 后跟 on, at) colloq. draw on (a cigarette etc.) [口]叼着(烟卷等) 6 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on) continue at tedious length 单调乏味(或缓慢费力)地行进;拖沓地行进 ●n. 1a an obstruction to progress 障碍;累赘 b Aeron. the longitudinal retarding force exerted by air 【空】阻力 c slow motion; impeded progress 滞动;缓慢费力的行进 d an iron shoe for retarding a horse-drawn vehicle downhill (马车下坡时使用的)车轮制动棒 2 colloq. a boring or dreary person, duty, performance, etc. [口]极讨厌的人(或职责、表演、演出等) 3a a strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox (引诱猎犬行猎的)人工臭迹 b a hunt using this 应用人工臭迹的行猎 4 an apparatus for dredging or recovering drowned persons etc. from under water (尤指从水底)疏浚器(或打捞死人等的装置) 5 = DRAGNET 1 6 slang a draw on a cigarette etc. [俚语] (烟等)一吸;一抽 7 slang [俚语]a women's clothes worn by men (男穿)女装 b a party at which these are worn 男扮女装的人参加的舞会 c clothes in general 服装 8 an act of dragging 拖沓 9a Brit. slang a motor car [英] [俚语]汽车 b (in full 全称 drag race) an acceleration race between cars usu. for a quarter of a mile (通常赛程为 1/4 英里的)减重短程高速汽车赛 10 US slang influence, pull [美] [俚语]影响力;引力 11 slang a street or road [俚语]街道;道路 the main drag 主街 12 hist. a private vehicle like a stagecoach, drawn by four horses [史义] (由四匹马拖拉的类似驿站马车的)私人车辆 □ drag one's feet (or heels) be deliberately slow or reluctant to act 拖拖拉拉;故意慢吞吞地行动 □ drag in introduce (a subject) irrelevantly 硬把(某事)扯进去 □ drag out protract 拖延 □ drag up colloq. [口] 1 deliberately mention (an unwelcome subject) 故意提及(一个不受欢迎的话题) 2 Brit. rear (a child) roughly and without proper training [英]胡乱地把(孩子)拉扯大 [Middle English from Old English dragan or Old Norse draga DRAW] |