

单词 double
释义 double/ˈdʌb(ə)l/ adj., adv., n. & v.adj. 1a consisting of two usu. equal parts or things; twofold (通常等份)成对的;两倍的 b consisting of two identical parts 双重的 2 twice as much or many 加倍的 double the amount 使量增加一倍; double the number 使数增加一倍; double thickness 使厚度增加一倍 3 having twice the usual size, quantity, strength, etc. (通常尺寸、数量、力量等)双倍的 double whisky 双份威士忌 4 designed for two people 供两人用的,双人的 double bed 双人床 5a having some part double 双料的 b (of a flower) having more than one circle of petals (花朵)重瓣的 c (of a domino) having the same number of pips on each half (多米诺骨牌)两边点数相同的 6 having two different roles or interpretations, esp. implying confusion or deceit 双重的;双关的(尤指表里不一的;欺诈的) double meaning 语意双关; leads a double life 过着双重人格的生活 7 Mus. lower in pitch by an octave 【音】低八度的 double bassoon 低音巴松管 adv. 1 at or to twice the amount etc. (量等)两倍地 counts double 重复计数 2 two together 双双地,成对地 sleep double 合睡一床 n. 1a a double quantity or thing; twice as much or many 两倍数(或物);两倍 b colloq. a double measure of spirits []双份酒 2a a counterpart of a person or thing; a person who looks exactly like another 相似的对应人();酷似…的人 b an understudy 候补人员;替角;预备演员 c a wraith 阴魂 3 (in pl. 用复数) Sport (in tennis, badminton, etc.) a game between two pairs of players 【运动】(网球、羽毛球等的)双打 4 Sport a pair of victories over the same team, a pair of championships at the same game, etc. 【运动】(对同一队的)两次获胜;(在一场比赛等中的)双料冠军 5 a system of betting in which the winnings and stake from the first bet are transferred to a second 复式下注(第一场打赌若有所赢即可转押在第二场上) 6 Bridge the doubling of an opponent's bid 【桥牌】叫加倍 7 Darts a hit on the narrow ring enclosed by the two outer circles of a dartboard, scoring double 【飞镖】(把镖投中加倍记分圈)加倍算分 8 a sharp turn, esp. of the tracks of a hunted animal, or the course of a river 急转弯(尤指被追野兽或河道的折回;转向) v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become twice as much or many; increase twofold; multiply by two 使加倍;把…增加一倍;翻倍 2 tr. amount to twice as much as 是…的两倍 3a tr. fold or bend (paper, cloth, etc.) over on itself (把纸、布等)对折 b intr. become folded 折叠 4a tr. (of an actor) play (two parts) in the same piece (演员)兼演两角 b intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 for) be understudy etc. 作候补人员(充当替角等) 5 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 as) play a twofold role 兼任;兼作;兼演 6 intr. turn sharply in flight or pursuit; take a tortuous course (在飞行或追击中)急转弯迂回 7 tr. Naut. sail round (a headland) 【海】绕着(岬角)航行 8 tr. Bridge make a call increasing the value of the points to be won or lost on (an opponent's bid) 【桥牌】对(对方叫牌的)分数加倍 9 Mus. 【音】a intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on) play two or more musical instruments 兼奏(两种或更多的乐器) the clarinettist doubles on tenor sax 吹单簧管者兼吹次中音萨克斯管 b tr. add the same note in a higher or lower octave to (a note) (在高八度或低八度音上)复奏 10 tr. clench (a fist) 握紧(拳头) 11 intr. move at twice the usual speed; run (以通常两倍速度)快速移动;跑 12 Billiards 【台球】a intr. rebound 跃回,弹回 b tr. cause to rebound 使弹回 at (or US [] on) the double running, hurrying 以跑步方式;迅速地;尽快地;立即地 bent double folded, stooping 折叠;深弯腰 double back take a new direction opposite to the previous one 循原路折回 double or nothing (or Brit. [] quits) a gamble to decide whether a player's loss or debt be doubled or cancelled 以已输的数额作最后的赌注(或者多输 1 倍,或者与赢家清账) double up 1a bend or curl up 弯曲,卷曲 b cause to do this, esp. by a blow (尤指通过打击)使其弯曲(或卷曲) 2 be overcome with pain or laughter (使) (因剧痛或大笑而)弯着身子 3 share or assign to a room, quarters, etc., with another or others 同宿一室(住处等) 4 fold or become folded 对折,折叠 5 use winnings from a bet as stake for another 把原赌注和赢的钱一起作为赌注押下 doubler n. doubly adv.[Middle English via Old French doble, duble (n.), dobler, dubler (v.) from Latin duplus DUPLE]




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