释义 |
worry/ˈwʌri/ v. & n.●v. (-ies, -ied) 1 intr. give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles 担心,发愁,忧虑,操心 2 tr. harass, importune; be a trouble or anxiety to 烦扰,纠缠;使担心(或焦虑) 3 tr.a (of a dog etc.) shake or pull about with the teeth (指狗等)撕咬,用牙叼住甩或拉 b attack repeatedly 反复攻击 4 tr. (as 作 worried adj.)a uneasy, troubled in the mind 焦虑的,不安的 b suggesting worry 担心的,发愁的 a worried look 发愁的目光 ●n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thing that causes anxiety or disturbs a person's tranquillity 令人担心的事,使人心神不定的事 2 a disturbed state of mind; anxiety; a worried state 被搅乱的心境;担心,焦虑 3 a dog's worrying of its quarry (狗的)撕咬 □ not to worry colloq. there is no need to worry [口]不必发愁,不必着急 □ worry along (or through) manage to advance by persistence in spite of obstacles 在艰难中坚持下去,熬过去 □ worry oneself (usu. in neg. 通常用于否定句) take needless trouble 自寻烦恼,不必要的担心 □ worry out obtain (the solution to a problem etc.) by dogged effort 经过顽强的努力而获得(问题等的解决的);绞尽脑汁想出 □ worriedly adv.□ worrier n. 爱担忧的人,常发愁的人 □ worryingly adv.[Old English wyrgan ‘strangle’, from West Germanic] |