释义 |
wise1/waiz/ adj. & v.●adj. 1a having experience and knowledge and judiciously applying them (指人)足智多谋的,有经验学识并能明智运用的 b (of an action, behaviour, etc.) determined by or showing or in harmony with such experience and knowledge (指行为、品行)明智的;表现出博学的 2 sagacious, prudent, sensible, discreet 睿智的;谨慎的;明智的;深谋远虑的 3 having knowledge 博学的 4 suggestive of wisdom (表示)明白的;了解的 with a wise nod of the head 点头表示明白 5 US colloq. [美口]a alert, crafty 机警的;狡猾的 b (often foll. by 常后跟 to) having (usu. confidential) information (about) 了解(通常为秘密)信息的,知情的 ●v. tr. & intr. (foll. by 后跟 up) esp. US colloq. put or get wise [尤美口] (使)知道,(使)了解;点拨 □ be (or get) wise to colloq. be (or become) aware of [口]发觉;明白,知道(某事) □ no (or none the or not much) wiser knowing no more than before 仍不明白,仍然不懂 □ put a person wise (often foll. by 常后跟 to) colloq. inform a person (about) [口]把(某事)告诉某人 □ wise after the event able to understand and assess an event or circumstance after its implications have become obvious 事后聪明的 □ without anyone's being the wiser undetected 在无人觉察的情况下 □ wisely adv.[Old English wīs from Germanic: related to WIT2] |