释义 |
dive/daiv/ v. & n.●v. (past and past part. dived or US also [美亦] dove /dəʊv/) 1 intr. plunge head first into water, esp. as a sport (头先下水地)跳水(尤作为一种运动) 2 intr.a Aeron. (of an aircraft) plunge steeply downwards at speed 【空】(飞机)俯冲 b Naut. (of a submarine) submerge 【海】(潜水艇)潜水 c (of a person) plunge downwards (人)下潜 3 intr. (foll. by 后跟 into) colloq. [口]a put one's hand into (a pocket, handbag, container, etc.) quickly and deeply 突伸(突然把手伸进衣袋、手提包、容器等) b occupy oneself suddenly and enthusiastically with (a subject, meal, etc.) (对某学科)全身心地投入,潜心钻研;探究(膳食等) 4 tr. (foll. by 后跟 into) plunge (a hand etc.) into 把(手等)突然伸入 ●n. 1 an act of diving; a plunge 潜水;俯冲 2a the submerging of a submarine (潜水艇)下潜 b the steep descent of an aircraft (飞机)俯冲 3 a sudden darting movement 扑,冲 4 colloq. a disreputable nightclub etc.; a drinking den [口]低级夜总会(低级酒馆等) found themselves in a low dive 他们不觉来到了一家低级夜总会 5 Boxing slang a pretended knockout 【拳击】[俚语]假装被击倒,佯倒 took a dive in the second round 在第二回合中假装被击倒 □ dive in colloq. [口] help oneself (to food) 自己吃(食物)[Old English dūfan (v. intr.) ‘dive, sink’, and dyˉfan (v. tr.) ‘immerse’, from Germanic: related to DEEP, DIP] |