

单词 spend
释义 spend/spend/ v. & n.v. tr. (past and past part. spent /spent/) 1 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 on)a (also absol. [亦含宾]) pay out (money) in making a purchase etc. (),花费 spent 5 on a new pen 花了 5 英镑买了一枝新钢笔 b pay out (money) for a particular person's benefit or for the improvement of a thing (为了某人的利益或改善某物)() had to spend 200 on the car 不得不在这辆汽车上花 200 英镑 2a use or consume (time or energy) 花;消磨(时间或精力) shall spend no more effort 将不再多花费精力; how do you spend your Sundays? 你平常怎么过星期天? b (also 亦作 refl.) use up; exhaust; wear out 用尽;耗尽;筋疲力尽 their ammunition was all spent 他们的弹药全用尽了; his anger was soon spent 他的怒气很快就全消了; spent herself campaigning for justice 她把一生都奉献给了正义事业 3 tr. (as spent adj.) having lost its original force or strength; exhausted 衰竭的;耗尽的 the storm is spent 暴风雨过去了; spent bullets 乏弹(指冲力已过的子弹) n. 1 the action or an act of spending money 用钱,花钱 2 an amount spent, expenditure 消费总额;费用 spend a penny Brit. colloq. urinate or defecate (with reference to the coin-operated locks of public lavatories) [英口]小便;通便(源自英国公厕要用硬币打开门锁) spendable adj. spender n.[Old English spendan from Latin expendere (see EXPEND): in Middle English perhaps also from obsolete dispend via Old French despendre ‘expend’ from Latin dispendere: see DISPENSE]




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