

单词 dispatch
释义 dispatch/diˈspætʃ/ v. & n. (also 亦作 despatch)v. tr. 1 send off to a destination or for a purpose 发送;派遣 dispatched him with the message 派遣他去送信; dispatched the letter yesterday 昨天把信发走了 2 perform (business, a task, etc.) promptly; finish off 快速处理(事务、任务等); 速办 3 kill, execute 杀死;处决 dispatched him with the revolver 用左轮手枪处决了他 4 colloq. eat (food, a meal, etc.) quickly []匆匆把(食物、饭等)吃完 n. 1 the act or an instance of sending (a messenger, letter, etc.) 派遣(信使); 发送(信件等) 2 the act or an instance of killing; execution 杀死;处决 3a an official written message on state or esp. military affairs 政府(尤指军事)文件,公文 b a report sent in by a newspaper's correspondent, usu. from a foreign country (通常驻外记者发回的)新闻报道;电讯稿 c any written message requiring fast delivery 需紧急递送的信息 4 promptness, efficiency 敏捷;效率 done with dispatch 高效率地办完 dispatcher n.[Italian dispacciare or Spanish despachar ‘expedite’ (as DIS-, Italian impacciare and Spanish empachar ‘hinder’, of uncertain origin)]




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