释义 |
patrol/pəˈtrəʊl/ n. & v.●n. 1 the act of walking or travelling around an area, esp. at regular intervals, in order to protect or supervise it (尤指定期的)巡逻,巡查 2 one or more persons or vehicles assigned or sent out on patrol, esp. a detachment of guards, police, etc. 巡逻兵,巡逻队(尤指保安队、警察等);巡逻车 3a a detachment of troops sent out to reconnoitre 侦察队 b such reconnaissance 侦察 4 a routine operational voyage of a ship or aircraft (舰艇或飞机的)例行作战航行 5 a routine monitoring of astronomical or other phenomena (对天文或其他现象的)例行监视 6 Brit. an official controlling traffic where children cross the road [英] (孩子们过马路时的)官方交通管制 7 a unit of six to eight Scouts or Guides (由 6 至 8 人组成的)童子军小队 ●v. (patrolled, patrolling) 1 tr. carry out a patrol of 在…巡逻 2 intr. act as a patrol 巡逻,巡查 □ patroller n.[French patrouiller ‘paddle in mud’ from patte ‘paw’: the noun via German Patrolle from French patrouille] |