释义 |
patent/ˈpeit(ə)nt, ˈpæt-/ n., adj. & v.●n. 1 a government authority to an individual or organization conferring a right or title, esp. the sole right to make or use or sell some invention 专利(权) 2 a document granting this authority 专利证书 3 an invention or process protected by it 专利发明;专利方法 ●adj. 1 /ˈpeit(ə)nt/ obvious, plain 明显的,显著的 2 conferred or protected by patent 授予专利的;受专利权保护的 3a made and marketed under a patent; proprietary 专卖的;专有的 b to which one has a proprietary claim 特许专卖的 4 such as might be patented; ingenious, well-contrived 独出心裁的,设计巧妙的 5 (of an opening etc.) allowing free passage (通道等)开放的;可自由通过的 ●v. tr. obtain a patent for (an invention) 获得(某项发明的)专利 □ patency n.□ patentable adj.□ patently /ˈpeit(ə)ntli/ adv. (in sense 1 of adj. 用于形容词释义 1)[Middle English from Old French patent and Latin patēre ‘lie open’: the noun an ellipsis for LETTERS PATENT] |