

单词 well
释义 well1/wel/ adv., adj. & int.adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way 好;令人满意地 you have worked well 你工作得很好 2 in the right way 正确地;恰当地;合适地 well said 说得对; you did well to tell me (把某事)告诉我,这做得对 3 with some talent or distinction 有天赋;出色地 plays the piano well 钢琴弹得很出色 4 in a kind way 和蔼地,亲切地;友好地 treated me well 待我很好 5 thoroughly, extensively, soundly 彻底地;充分地;完全地 polish it well (彻底)擦干净; team was well beaten 那个队被彻底打败了 6 with heartiness or approval; favourably 热心地;赞赏地;有利地 speak well of 称赞; the book was well reviewed 那本书得到好评 7 probably, reasonably, advisably 可能地;合理地;明智地 you may well be right 很可能你是对的; you may well ask 你理所当然地要问; we might well take the risk 我们有理由冒这个风险 8 to a considerable extent 到相当的程度 is well over forty 40 多岁了 9 successfully, fortunately 成功地;幸运地 it turned out well 结果很成功 10 luckily, opportunely 侥幸地;恰好地 well met! 幸会 ! 11 with a fortunate outcome; without disaster 有幸地;顺利地 were well rid of them 有幸摆脱了他们 12 profitably 有益地 did well for themselves 对他们自己有好处 13 comfortably, abundantly, liberally 舒适地;富裕地;慷慨地 we live well here 我们在这儿生活得很舒适; the job pays well 这工作报酬不错 14 slang (as an intensifier 作强调成份) very, extremely [俚语]很;非常 was kept well busy 一直很忙 adj. (better, best) 1 (usu. 通常作 predic.) in good health 健康的 are you well? 你身体好吗?; was not a well person 那人身体不好 2 ( predic.)a in a satisfactory state or position 令人满意的 all is well 一切都好 b advisable 可取的;明智的 it would be well to enquire 最好问问 int. expressing surprise, resignation, insistence, etc., or used merely to introduce a remark, though sometimes also to express acceptance of or to qualify a situation or foregoing remark 嗯,咳,哟,好吧(用作表示惊讶、无可奈何或坚决主张等时的感叹词,或用以引入话题,有时也用于表示接受目前的形势、缓和气氛或继续前面的话题) well I never! 哟!我从来没有 !; well, I suppose so 嗯,我想是吧; well, who was it? 噢,是谁呀? as well 1 in addition; to an equal extent 也,还,而且;同样地 2 (also 亦作 just as well) with equal reason; with no loss of advantage or need for regret 正好;不妨;不必遗憾 may as well give up 不妨放弃; it would be just as well to stop now 不妨现在先停下来 as well as in addition to 加之,也;此外,除…之外() leave (or let) well alone avoid needless change or disturbance 别多事;不要画蛇添足;适可而止 well and good expressing dispassionate acceptance of a decision etc. (表示冷静地接受某一决定等)好吧,那也好;(既如此)那也行 well and truly decisively, completely 决定性地;完全地 well away 1 having made considerable progress 已颇有进展 2 Brit. colloq. fast asleep or drunk [英口]睡熟的;喝醉的 well worth certainly worth 当然值得的 well worth a visit 的确值得一游; well worth visiting 很值得游览 wellness n.[Old English wel, well probably from the same stem as WILL1]
Usage 用法说明
A hyphen is normally used in combinations of well- when used attributively, but not when used predicatively, e.g. a well-made coat but the coat is well made. well- 用在做定语的复合词中通常使用连字符,如 a well-made coat (一件做工很好的上衣);而在做表语时一般不用,如 the coat is well made (那件上衣做得很好)




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