

单词 destructive
释义 destructive/diˈstrʌktiv/adj. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 to, of) destroying or tending to destroy 破坏()的;有破坏作用的;有害的 destructive of her peace of mind 有害于她心境的平静; is destructive to organisms 对有机组织起破坏作用; a destructive child 坏孩子 2 negative in attitude or criticism; refuting without suggesting, helping, amending, etc. (opp. 反义 CONSTRUCTIVE) 消极的; (对建议、帮助、改进等)非建设性的 has only destructive criticism to offer 仅提出非建设性的批评 destructively adv. destructiveness n.[Middle English via Old French destructif -ive from Late Latin destructivus (as DESTROY)]




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