

单词 warn
释义 warn/wɔ:n/v. tr. 1 (also absol. [亦含宾])a (often foll. by 常后跟 of, or that + clause, or to + infin.) inform of danger, unknown circumstances, etc. 警告(有危险);告诫;告诉(不知道的情况);提醒 warned them of the danger 警告他们有危险; warned her that she was being watched 告诉她她处在被监视中; warned him to expect a visit 提醒他要有人来访 b (often foll. by 常后跟 against) inform (a person etc.) about a specific danger, hostile person, etc. 告知(某人等)要提防危险或有敌意的人等 warned her against trusting him 跟她说不要相信他 2 (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用) admonish; tell forcefully 警告;力劝 has been warned not to go 被警告不要去 3 give (a person) cautionary notice regarding conduct etc. 告诫(某人)注意(行为等) shall not warn you again 将不再提醒你了 warn off 1 tell (a person) to keep away (from) 告诫(某人)离开(或保持距离) 2 Brit. prohibit from attending races, esp. at a specified course [] (赛马)禁止参加比赛(尤指在某一赛马场) warner n.[Old English war(e)nian, wearnian, ultimately from Germanic: related to WARE3]




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