

单词 derive
释义 derive/diˈraiv/v. 1 tr.a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 from) get, obtain, or form 取得,得到;形成 derived satisfaction from work 乐趣来自工作 b (in passive 用被动; foll. by 后跟 from) (of a word etc.) originate, be formed from (词等)起源于;由…构成 2 intr. (foll. by 后跟 from)a arise from, originate in, be descended or obtained from 起因于;起源于;出身于;得自于 happiness derives from many things 幸福来自多种事情 b = sense 1b 3 tr. gather or deduce 收集;推论 derived the information from the clues 从线索中获得信息 4 tr.a trace the descent of (a person) 追溯…的起源,追寻(某人的)家世血统 b show the origin of (a thing) 说明(某事的)起源(或来由) 5 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 from) show or state the origin or formation of (a word etc.) 表明(或说明词等的)词源(或构成) derived the word from Latin 该词源自拉丁语 6 tr. Math. obtain (a function) by differentiation 【数】(函数)导出 derivable adj.[Middle English from Old French deriver or from Latin derivare (as DE-, rivus ‘stream’)]




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