释义 |
want/wɒnt/ v. & n.●v. 1 tr.a (often foll. by 常后跟 to + infin.) desire; wish for possession of; need 想要;想得到;需要 wants a toy train 想要个玩具火车; wants it done immediately 需要马上完成; wanted to leave 想离开; wanted him to leave 想让他离开 b need or desire (a person, esp. sexually) 需要或渴望(某人,尤指在性爱方面) c esp. Brit. require to be attended to in esp. a specified way [尤英]需要特别照料 the garden wants weeding 花园需要除草 d (foll. by 后跟 to + infin.) colloq. ought; should; need [口]应该;需要 you want to pull yourself together 你要振作起来; you don't want to overdo it 你不应做得太过分 2 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) lack; be deficient 缺乏,欠缺 wants for nothing 什么都不缺 3 tr. be without or fall short by (esp. a specified amount or thing) 没有或缺少(尤指特定数量或某物) the drawer wants a handle 抽屉没有拉手 4 intr. (foll. by 后跟 in, out) esp. US colloq. desire to be in, out, etc. [尤美口]想要进入或加入;想要离开或退出等 wants in on the deal 想参与交易 5 tr. (as 作 wanted adj.) (of a suspected criminal etc.) sought by the police (指嫌疑犯等)被警方通缉;追捕 ●n. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 of)a a lack, absence, or deficiency 缺少,缺乏,不足 could not go for want of time 由于没时间而不能去; shows great want of judgement 说明判断力很差 b poverty; need 贫困;匮乏 living in great want 生活很困苦; in want of necessities 生活必需品匮乏 2a a desire for a thing etc. (对某一事物等的)渴望;需要 meets a long-felt want 满足已久的渴望 b a thing so desired 需要的东西;当然的事情 can supply your wants 能满足你的需要 □ do not want to am unwilling to 不愿意(做) □ wanter n.[Middle English from Old Norse vant, neut. of vanr ‘lacking’ = Old English wana, related to WANE] |